Overthrow Books

  • Overthrow Of The S.S. Stinky
    There's a stinky battle going on! And no it's not the fish! A stubborn old fisherman brings his fishing boat to his favorite spot. A club owner Crab, relies on fish to come…
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  • The Evil Potato
    A unicorn named Baljeet devises a plan to stop an evil potato from eating llamas, but ends up becoming a tyrant himself. The llamas overthrow him and live happily ever after.
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  • The Day the Diamonds Arose
    In the town of Rarity Rural, diamonds form an alliance with emeralds and overthrow the citizens. A young diamond enthusiast helps the diamonds fight back against the miners.
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  • Zeus's Beginning
    Zeus, a smart student, overthrows the unfair principal of his school with the help of his teacher and librarian.
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  • George the Dragon and the evil Queen
    A misunderstood dragon named George is falsely accused of being evil. With the help of the villagers, he proves his innocence and they overthrow the evil queen.
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  • The Penguins and The Monkeys
    The Perfect Penguins and Mellow Monkeys live separately on an island. The Monkeys, hungry and upset, plan to overthrow the Penguins but end up becoming friends.
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  • The New King Comes
    Sam, a selfish king, is overthrown by his advisor Mike and the people. A new king is appointed, and justice is served.
  • The Monties and the King
    A society of Monties, oppressed by King Mas, must learn to survive and thrive on their own after the king cuts off their resources. They eventually overthrow the king and est…
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