My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • An introduction to basic math symbols, including addition, subtraction, equal, greater than, and less than signs.
    by Monique Lewis
    Eye Icon 56
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  • A counting book in English and Spanish, featuring numbers and corresponding objects. Ends with a message of peace and love.
    by Monique Lewis
    Eye Icon 44
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  • by Monique Lewis
    Eye Icon 70
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  • A story about helping a friend find missing body parts and learning their functions. The reader is encouraged to label the body parts.
    by Monique Lewis
    Eye Icon 387
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  • A simple alphabet book featuring words and illustrations for each letter of the alphabet.
    by Monique Lewis
    Eye Icon 261
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  • A society of Monties, oppressed by King Mas, must learn to survive and thrive on their own after the king cuts off their resources. They eventually overthrow the king and est…
    by Monique Lewis
    Eye Icon 24
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  • A dinosaur named Tito, who is messy and eats everything, is disliked by his neighbors. However, they eventually realize that Tito is hungry and homeless, so they build him a …
    by Monique Lewis
    Eye Icon 124
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  • A collection of unconventional sentences to help children establish reading rhythm and critical thinking skills.
    by Monique Lewis
    Eye Icon 47
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