Packing List Books

  • The Night Before College...
    On the night before college, a girl reflects on her childhood memories and expresses gratitude for her parents.
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  • My Vacation with Grandma
    This is a story about a girl who goes on a vacation with her grandma and sister. She gets to go to different places on vacation and has neat experiences while on vacation.
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  • The Journey to Grandpa's
    Tony and Daisy want to visit their grandpa for the summer vacation, but their parents don't have enough money to send them on a train trip. They decide to make a business, bu…
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  • Summer Trip to Spain!
    A packing list and itinerary for a trip to Spain, including activities, food, and expenses in Madrid, Seville, and the Canary Islands.
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  • The Adventure To Blue Mountain
    Bugzy and Lemon are excited about a trip to Blue Mountain. They receive a packing list from their parents and get ready for the trip.
  • Tips for Travel Packing
    A guide to stress-free packing for travel, including tips on making lists, packing lightly, organizing luggage, and more.
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  • The Camping Trip
    Wendy is excited for her 10th birthday camping trip. She packs and goes with her dad, and is surprised by her brother at the campsite.
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  • Packing for a Camping Trip
    A guide to planning and packing for a camping trip in the mountains, including meals, equipment, and checking the camper.
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