Paper Books

  • The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors
    A story about the origins of rock paper scissors, where three kingdoms go to war over stolen resources until a sorcerer intervenes and creates the game as a tiebreaker.
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  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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  • Fiyorina and the Paper Plane named Nova
    Fiyorina and Fanna are girls who have been best friends for a while until something unfortunate happens. Perhaps Nova the paper plane will be the only hope they have to bring…
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  • sadako and the thousand paper cranes
    Sadako, a girl from Hiroshima, gets sick with leukemia after the atomic bomb. She tries to make 1000 paper cranes for good luck.
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  • Luigi to paper Luigi
    Luigi is lost and his friend helps him find his way back using a map.
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  • Rock Paper Sissors
    this book is to tell you to never give up even if you tell yourself someone else tells you you cant do something NEVER GIVE UP you can do anything
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  • My Paper Animals
    Bella discovers that her paper animals come to life. She experiments with different types of paper and tells her family about it.
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  • Chef Paper
    A sheet of paper with drawings comes to life, and the artist realizes he's not the one writing the story. The baker-turned-chef lives a happy life.
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