Parenthood Books

  • The Dinosaur Family
    Brian and Danielle, two dinosaurs, want to have a baby but struggle. They seek help from a doctor and find a donor. After 9 months, their baby dinosaur, Annabelle, is born.
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  • Family Life Cycle
    This is a life journey of Kathryn and Jarred, from their engagement to their deaths. It covers their wedding, parenthood, financial struggles, joys, and sorrows. The story en…
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  • Family Life Cycles
    The story chronicles the life cycle of a family, from the marriage of Sandy and Danny, through parenthood, empty nest stage, retirement, and death. It explores the challenges…
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  • Parents Eyes
    A story about a young girl named Jami and her parents' journey from pregnancy to parenthood.
  • Parenthood
    The narrator interviews their friend's mom, Carla, who shares her experiences as a mother and offers advice on parenting. Carla emphasizes the importance of being a good role…
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  • Family Life Cycle Project
    The story follows the life stages of Bob and Liz, from their newly married stage to retirement and death. It explores their challenges, rewards, and major worries at each sta…
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  • Passive Smoking
    Maya and Mike have a baby girl, Angelina. When Angelina falls ill, they discover it's due to Mike's smoking. He quits for her sake.
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  • The Smith Family
    The story follows the Smiths through different stages of their life, from newlyweds to retirement and beyond.
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