Partner Countries Books

  • The cultural differences of partner countries.
    Welcome to Croatia and the Czech Republic! Learn about their capitals, landmarks, and symbols. Discover Romania's history, magical places, and strong personalities. Explore t…
  • CINDERELLA then and now A book of values
    A collaborative ebook created by partner countries showcasing displays and murals on immigration, families, and Cinderella's morals.
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  • PEACE ISLAND (Etwinning Project)
    A multi-lingual dictionary and collection of poems, stories, and activities about Peace Island, a fictional place where different countries come together in harmony.
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    Students from different countries create activities based on various stories. They make a cube with tasks and analyze the stories. They choose a preferred story and learn fro…
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  • Examples of toys (recycled material)
    Partners from different countries showcase their collaborative work, focusing on recycling and its importance. They share various projects made from recycled materials and di…
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    The 'MY PLACE' project aims to enhance local realities by exploring and celebrating the artistic, cultural, and culinary beauties of different regions. Students have discover…
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    Mr.Singh is an immigrant from India who strikes up a friendship with a kid named Alex and his friends. As his friends start getting older, they begin to act disrespectful tow…
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