Pattern Books

  • The Pattern Hunt
    Patty is a little girl who has just discovered patterns at her school. She invites the readers to join her on a pattern hunt to explore her new found knowledge on patterns.
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  • All About Giraffes
    Facts about giraffes: their height, habitat, diet, sleep patterns, reproduction. Ends with a fun fact.
    Eye Icon 837
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  • Hockey!
    Mike, a hockey player, asks Coach Dave if he can put hockey pucks on dots in a pattern. They discuss the number of pucks and create a table and graph to represent it.
    Eye Icon 499
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  • All About Sloths
    An informative book about sloths, their habitat, diet, appearance, behavior, and sleep patterns.
    Eye Icon 104
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  • Oh, the Patterns of the Zoo
    A visit to the zoo reveals various animals with unique patterns, sparking curiosity about personal preferences.
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  • The Power of Patterns: Art and Math Together
    Lina discovers a magical paintbrush that brings math to life through art. As she solves problems, she learns that math and art are intertwined, finding beauty in patterns eve…
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  • Patterns in the Sky
    Jordan learns about the cycle of the moon and the path of the sun, and she is excited to share her knowledge with her friends.
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  • Math Pirate
    Rollan, a pirate, discovers a pattern in his earnings and uses algebra to calculate his future earnings. He takes a break after finding the answer.
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