Penalties Books

  • Soccer Players
    A book about soccer, including famous players and events, with a focus on the World Cup and women's soccer.
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  • soccer
    A book about soccer that covers various aspects of the game, including rules, penalties, and famous players.
  • The Mischievous Mouse
    A Mischievous Mouse that likes to be mean to others by playing pranks on them and he learns the penalties of being mean to others.
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  • Football soccer
    The story provides a comprehensive overview of the sport of football, including its various forms worldwide, rules and regulations, equipment used, and field dimensions. It a…
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  • Magic Messi
    Argentina and France face off in a thrilling penalty kick shootout in the 2022 World Cup final, with Argentina emerging as the victor.
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  • Lacrosse for Moms
    An informative book about the sport of lacrosse, including its history, rules, and gameplay.
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  • Cristiano Ronaldo
    The story provides a brief biography of Cristiano Ronaldo, including his early life, career, and achievements in football.
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  • The Grand Tournament
    Four friends who don't know how to play soccer get drafted into a pro league. They train hard, develop their skills, and win the tournament.
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