Pennsylvania Books

  • Animal ABC's
    This is an ABC'S book for young children who are learning the alphabet.
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  • Flat Stanley Visits Ms. Natasha in Seattle
    My cousin sent me a "Flat Stanley" from Pittsburgh - I took it, had fun with it, and created this little tour of Seattle!

    Hope you enjoy it!

    - Ms. Natasha
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  • Push and Pull Factors of Pennsylvania
    A brief narrative about William Penn receiving land from King Charles II for the new world, and the impact it had on people's lives.
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    Sarah and her mom find a puppy at the park, but can't find its owner. They decide to keep it and Sarah is thrilled.
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  • Ally The Anxious Avocado
    Ally is an anxious avocado who learns to cope with her worries, by using bravery and strength. Heartwarming story developed by a Professional School Counselor for PreK-5th g…
  • Peter Piper and Peppa Pig in All About
    Peter and Peppa explore words starting with the letter 'P', including food, animals, objects, and places.
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  • Thomas & Amanda Superhero Adventure's
    Two young superheroes, the savior of Pennsylvania and Amanda Smith, fight crime and keep their city safe.
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  • All About Pennsylvania
    An informational book about Pennsylvania, covering its history, geography, climate, famous people, and economy.
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