Percolation Books

  • The Water Cycle
    A detailed explanation of the water cycle, including evaporation, precipitation, sublimation, percolation, and groundwater.
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  • Wally the Waterdroplet
    Wally the Water Droplet goes on a journey through the water cycle, experiencing evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, and percolation.
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  • A journey through the water cycle
    A little girl named Rosy learns about the water cycle with her mother reading her a book. They explore the steps of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, collection, runo…
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  • April Showers The Story of a Raindrop
    Take a journey with a little raindrop named April Showers as she and her friends experience and explain the Water Cycle.
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  • Drip's Journey
    Drip, a water drop, narrates his first experience in the water cycle, from evaporation to condensation and back to his lake. He learns about infiltration and percolation, reu…
  • The water cycle
    A simple explanation of the water cycle, describing its different stages and processes.
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  • Willy the water droplet
    Willy the water droplet goes on an adventure through the water cycle, experiencing evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, transpiration, percolation, and run…
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  • Water Systems On Earth
    Misty the Water Drop takes readers on a journey through the water cycle, ocean currents, erosion, and more, providing interesting facts and personal anecdotes.
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