Perfume Books

  • A Gift for Mom
    A child lists various gifts for their mom, explaining why each one is a good choice. The story ends with the child stating that a hug is the best gift because their mom loves…
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  • ariana grande
    A biography of Ariana Grande, an American actress, singer, and songwriter. It covers her career, albums, lifestyle, awards, curiosities, popular songs, the Manchester attack,…
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  • Emily Bloom and the Prince
    This is a silly rhyming book that shows that not all princes are handsome or worth a girl's time.
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    Joseph, a young perfume maker, creates a successful fragrance brand on the island of Álamos. However, logistical and financial challenges force him to sell the company.
  • Thank You, Plants!
    Plants are great for everyone! This book will tell you all about plants.
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  • Endangered Animals
    The story discusses endangered animals, deforestation, and the impact of perfume and offers examples of tigers, sea turtles, and pandas. It also suggests activities and quest…
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  • Once upon a fairy tale
    A fairy visits the Stitts and becomes friends with Princess Kara and her two princes. They have fun together but the fairy eventually leaves, promising to return.
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  • mothers day!
    Mahar wants to buy her mom's favorite perfume for Mother's Day and succeeds. She asks readers if they would do the same.
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