My Public / Unpublished Books (11)

  • Mahar's diverse interests and passions are highlighted as he expresses his love for playing, dogs, painting, jumping, eating, going to other places, and the color pink.
    by Mahar Lahlooh
  • A group of children encounter various animals at the beach and share their experience with their parents.
    by Mahar Lahlooh
  • Mahar wants to buy her mom's favorite perfume for Mother's Day and succeeds. She asks readers if they would do the same.
    by Mahar Lahlooh
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  • A child's trip to the zoo, describing various animals seen and expressing personal opinions.
    by Mahar Lahlooh
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  • A girl has a chaotic morning, missing the school bus and getting lost, only to realize it was all a dream.
    by Mahar Lahlooh
  • by Mahar Lahlooh
  • A girl named Mahar enjoys various activities and places.
    by Mahar Lahlooh
  • The story emphasizes the importance of colors and how they bring variety and creativity to the world. It also explains the concept of primary colors and their role in mixing …
    by Mahar Lahlooh
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  • by Mahar Lahlooh
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  • this story well makes black and brown people happy!
    by Mahar Lahlooh
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