Personal Account Books

    A personal account of living with diabetes, including diagnosis, treatment, and daily life. Includes information on insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors.
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  • The Day My Daddy Died
    A personal account of the author's father's involvement in the D-Day invasion and his subsequent death, highlighting the bravery of Canadian soldiers.
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  • Covid 19 Pandemic
    A personal account of living through the COVID-19 pandemic, including its impact on school, daily life, and mental health.
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  • Depression
    A personal account of depression, its symptoms, and a message of hope and encouragement to seek help.
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  • Apollo13 and Me
    A personal account of the author's experience growing up near Cape Canaveral and witnessing the Apollo 13 mission.
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  • My Colorful Life in Black and White
    This is an autobiographical account of Marie Burns, a 72-year-old woman. She shares her life experiences from childhood to adulthood, including family history, school memorie…
  • The Moon Phases
    The story is a personal account of the author's month-long journey observing the moon. The author details their experiences, thoughts, and feelings during this period, develo…
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  • Immigration of my grandpa
    A personal account of the author's grandparents' immigration from South Korea to Canada, highlighting their challenges and successes.
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