Personal Branding Books

  • 10 tips to keep you safe on social media!
    A list of 10 tips for maintaining a positive online reputation, including protecting personal information and being mindful of others.
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  • A Career Revolution: The Influence of a Single LinkedIn Update
    This narrative explores how enhancing a LinkedIn profile transformed the author's career, highlighting the importance of networking and personal branding in the digital age.
  • Social Media Checklist Guided Social Check
    An instructional book on using social media for personal branding or business, covering topics such as analyzing competitors, setting goals, posting schedules, audience engag…
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  • School of the * Future
    My hopes for what schools in North America will be like in the near future.
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  • Sports: A recap
    A student shares what they learned about football, tennis, basketball, and soccer in PE class, including rules, history, and personal preferences.
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