Persuasive Writing Books

  • Chocolate Milk Should Be Banned!
    A persuasive essay arguing against serving chocolate milk in schools due to its high sugar and calorie content, which can lead to childhood obesity.
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  • Persuasive Essay Writing
    A guide on how to write a persuasive essay, using the example of why dogs make excellent pets. It covers the structure, arguments, counterclaims, and conclusion.
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  • Persuasive writing
    A composition explaining persuasive writing styles, formats, language techniques, and examples.
  • Persuasive Writing: Tips and Examples
    A guide to writing persuasive essays, including steps, tips, and examples.
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  • The Substitute
    A challenging class gets a new substitute teacher, Miss Scheinberg, who introduces innovative teaching methods. Despite initial resistance, the students start to enjoy learni…
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  • Jiayi's Writing Works for ESOL
    A collection of essays and a writing assignment by students, covering topics such as personal experiences, biographies, persuasive arguments, and comparisons.
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  • Types of Writing Genre
    The story introduces and briefly explains five types of writing: expository, creative, writing to communicate, narrative, and persuasive.
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  • Genre Newspaper 8 articles of fun
    This collection of stories includes tales about Mike Appleseed's adventures, Tommy's magical powers, the hare's perspective on his race with the tortoise, Hercules' encounter…
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