Petroleum Products Books

  • The Texas Oil Boom
    The Texas Oil Boom transformed Texas's economy, bringing prosperity and fame. It also led to the discovery of various oil fields and the production of petroleum products.
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  • Daddy Works in the Oil Sands
    Emma's Daddy works in the Oil Sands of Alberta and has many interesting experiences with trucks and animals.
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  • Somalia and Sudan
    This book provides information about Anarchy countries, focusing on Somalia and Sudan. It discusses their governments, economies, and reasons for becoming Anarchy countries.
    A group of kids from Valencia and San Benedetto del Tronto join forces to clean up their polluted beaches and raise awareness about plastic pollution.
  • Madagascar
    An overview of Madagascar's location, history, poverty rate, life expectancy, illiteracy rates, main goods and services produced, exports/imports, infrastructure, unemploymen…
  • The ABCs of Omnivore's Dilemma
    An informative alphabet book that introduces various topics related to agriculture, food production, and sustainability.
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  • Human Impact
    The book discusses the human impact on Earth, covering topics like agriculture, urbanization, deforestation, population growth, overgrazing, fracking, drilling, mining, natur…
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  • Italy
    Basic facts about Italy, including population, location, famous landmarks, languages spoken, culture, government, resources, and education.
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