Philosophers Books

  • Ancient Greece
    An overview of Ancient Greece, including its geography, cities, gods, wars, philosophers, art, agriculture, and Olympics.
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  • Ancient Greece
    An informative book about ancient Greece, covering its geography, cities, wars, gods, philosophers, art, math, medicine, literature, Olympics, and legacy.
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  • Spongebob and Patrick
    Spongebob who is Adam Smith and Patrick who is Karl Marx.
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  • Evolution of the Piano
    This book provides a history of keyboard instruments, including the piano, harpsichord, and clavichord, and their evolution over time.
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  • Greek Philosophers: Socrates
    The story of Socrates, a Greek philosopher who questioned the world and taught famous philosophers like Plato and Aristotle.
  • Understanding the Self
    A young person discusses the theories of Charles Horton Cooley, Rene Descartes, and Erik Erikson and how they relate to their own life experiences.
  • The Most Fascinating Author: J.K. Rowling
    This is a detailed biography of J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. It covers her early life, struggles, and eventual success as an author.
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  • Plato
    This book provides a brief biography of Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, his teachings, and his impact on philosophy.
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