Phosphorus Books

  • Phosphorus Cycle
    Pete the Phosphorus takes readers on an adventure through the phosphorus cycle, explaining how he moves between rocks, soil, water, plants, and animals.
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  • Phosphorus Cycle
    Phil the Phosphorus atom goes through a cycle of being in rocks, absorbed by a tree, taken by a giraffe, and returning to the ocean floor.
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  • The Alchymist's Apprentice
    Draco, a young apprentice to an alchemist, accidentally discovers phosphorus while trying to extinguish a fire. Despite his initial disappointment that it's not gold, the dis…
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  • Phosphorus
    A brief introduction to the element Phosphorus, including its properties and some fun facts.
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  • Phosphorus
    Perry, an element of phosphorus, goes on a trip to learn about himself and his properties. He explores a volcano, the Earth's crust, and reads a book about phosphorus.
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  • The Phosphorus Friends
    The story follows the journey of three phosphorus molecules as they go through the phosphate cycle, eventually reuniting in a lake.
  • What plants need to grow!
    This book explains the special characteristics and needs of plants for survival, including water, nutrients, air, sunlight, space, and time.
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  • Phil Goes Through The Phosphorus Cycle
    Phil the Phosphorus takes readers on a journey through his life, from being mixed into the ground to helping plants grow, to being dissolved in soil and eaten by animals, to …
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