Physical Characteristics Books

  • Rabbits
    An informative book about rabbits, covering their lifespan, diet, senses, behavior, and physical characteristics.
    Eye Icon 2072
    Star Icon 65
  • Golden Eagle vs. Bald Eagle
    A comparison between golden eagles and bald eagles, including their habitats, diets, physical characteristics, and interesting facts. The story concludes with a fictional enc…
    Eye Icon 972
    Star Icon 54
  • Facts About Bats And Birds
    A nonfiction book that provides facts about birds and bats, including their behavior, diet, and physical characteristics.
    Eye Icon 119
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  • The Cheetah
    A brief introduction to cheetahs, their physical characteristics, diet, habitat, population decline, and lifespan.
    Eye Icon 4635
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  • 5 Themes of Geography
    Exploring the 5 Themes of Geography, connecting to 3rd Grade NC Standards, and connecting them to 3 different locations: Apex, NC; Wilmington, NC; Grand Canyon National Park.
    Eye Icon 8872
    Star Icon 36
  • Alligators and Crocodiles
    An informative book about the similarities and differences between alligators and crocodiles, covering their physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and more.
    Eye Icon 985
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  • Spider Monkeys
    A book about spider monkeys, their habitat, physical characteristics, diet, and behavior. Provides interesting facts and information.
    Eye Icon 585
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  • All About Sloths
    A book about sloths, their predators, diet, physical characteristics, and habits.
    Eye Icon 29
    Star Icon 6
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