Physician Books

  • Lottie Isabel Blake
    The inspiring life of Lottie Isabel Blake, the first African American Seventh Day Adventist physician, missionary, and educator.
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  • Physician
    Timmy's dream of becoming a physician, the education required, job responsibilities, and working conditions.
  • All About Edward Jenner
    The story of Edward Jenner, a famous physician and scientist who discovered the first vaccine and helped change the medical field.
  • Super Ryan And The Grumpy Friend
    Ryan tries to help his grumpy friend but then regrets it.
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  • Israel
    The story is an informative piece about Israel, discussing its demographics, economy, and development status. It uses various statistics to argue that Israel is a developed c…
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  • My Childhood Cancer Story
    This book was written as part of a project for the National Children's Cancer Society (NCCS). I serve as an ambassador for the NCCS, whose purpose is to offer support to chil…
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  • Women Scientists
    This book highlights the achievements of women scientists, including Marie Curie, Gladys West, Mae C. Jemison, Jane Goodall, and Leela Hazza.
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  • Jamilla The Dreamer
    Jamilla, a confident and determined girl, dreams of becoming a singer, gymnast, astronomer, politician, and physician. She eventually becomes a teacher.
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