Physiology Books

  • Emotions
    The story provides a detailed explanation of emotions, their complexity, theories about them, and how they are linked to our behavior and physiology.
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    An introduction to anatomy and physiology, covering the structure and function of various body systems.
  • The Human Body System For Kids
    This book provides an overview of the human body's major systems, their functions, and fun facts about each. It includes citations for further reading.
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  • The Wild Inside An educational Journey through animal science
    Arlenys Lago, a high school student and aspiring veterinarian, introduces the field of animal science, covering topics such as physiology, behavior, reproduction, and genetic…
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  • The Book of Fear
    A poem about fear and its various aspects, including physiological responses, cultural influences, conditioning, and the role of the amygdala.
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  • The story of Learning Physiology
    A boy named Terry seeks the help of a wizard penguin to learn about physiology and fulfill his dream of becoming a physiologist.
    A basic introduction to the kidneys, their functions, and common diseases. Includes tips on how to keep them healthy.
  • Let's Talk About the Sensory Organs
    This book provides information about the sensory organs of the body, including receptors for touch, temperature, pain, smell, and taste.
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