Pit Books

  • The Bear PIT
    Robin and Troy, lifelong friends, explore the woods of Dover, NH. They find an arrowhead, make bows and arrows, and discover a hidden bear pit from an old circus.
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  • Facts About Pit Vipers
    A young author provides information about pit vipers, including their habitats, food, predators, appearance, special features, and some facts about them.
  • The Legend of Momotaro
    A popular Japanese folktale about a boy, born from a peach, who helps the local villagers fight a menacing band of demons.
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  • A Book of Math Stories to Solve
    A collection of math word problems for children, covering various topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and money.
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  • My Journey Through the Digestive System
    Wendy the Watermelon takes readers on an adventure through the digestive system, teaching medical terminology along the way.
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    Tessa is a smart, curious girl who loves to read and learn. when her class goes on a field trip to the famous La Brea Tar Pits, her fascination with creatures from the Ice Ag…
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  • two frogs
    A group of frogs falls into a pit. Despite discouragement, one frog perseveres and escapes, while the other gives up and dies.
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  • Spoink
    A boy named Bob accidentally brings a baby toy to life with a potion, leading to the creation of several other animated objects. They must save their friend Eggy from the vil…
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