Planting Trees Books

  • Kids Can Take Care of the Earth!
    A collection of short statements by different children on how they can take care of the Earth, emphasizing recycling, picking up garbage, and planting trees.
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    This is the story of two uncommon young teenagers, Emma and Tony, who invent a time machine and travel to the future. They are shocked to find a polluted and environmentally …
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  • If There Are Trees, There Is Life
    A lonely oak sapling in a wasteland longs for friends. A little girl befriends him and together they plant trees, attracting more friends and creating a forest. The story emp…
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  • Be Kind To Mother Earth
    A simple and informative story about ways to protect the Earth, including reducing, reusing, recycling, conserving water, and planting trees.
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  • The Legendary Life of Johnny Appleseed
    The story of Johnny Appleseed, a man who traveled across the country planting apple trees to provide an alternative drinking source.
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  • Fred Learn's About Earth Day
    'Happy Earth Day!' Fred's parents teach him about ways to help and protect the planet, including recycling, conserving water, donating, and planting trees.
  • Deforestation
    A young girl named Azure witnesses the negative effects of deforestation on her jungle home and advocates for planting more trees to combat it.
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  • THE Day the Beavers Came
    Mike, a mouse, and William, an owl, team up to save their town from beavers by planting trees. They succeed and Toodly Doo becomes a Wooded Wonderland.
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