Plastic Bottles Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • The Life of the Plastic Bottle
    The story follows the journey of a plastic bottle named Frederick, from a grocery store to the ocean, where it breaks down into microplastics and enters the food chain. It en…
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  • The life of a little plastic bottle
    A plastic bottle shares its journey from use to recycling, learning about the importance of reducing waste and how it can be repurposed into new items, helping the environmen…
  • Trash Mountain
    A fun poem that teaches kids to think about over-consumption and recycling.
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  • Plastic Bottle
    A boy learns a lesson about the dangers of littering after a bird dies from eating a plastic bottle he discarded.
    The story of Deniz and the bottles thrown away as garbage
  • The Journey of a Plastic Bottle
    The story follows the journey of a water bottle from a supermarket shelf to being recycled into a bench in a park.
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  • The life in the sea
    Group book created by students who attend the 6th grade and are 12 years old. It was a project concerning GCE.
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