Plato Books

  • Plato the Planarian
    Plato, a planarian, prepares for his friend Priscilla's birthday party. Along the way, he learns about his unique characteristics and regenerative abilities.
  • Plato
    This book provides a brief biography of Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, his teachings, and his impact on philosophy.
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    Two teenagers explain Plato's Allegory of the Cave in a simplified way for young readers.
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  • -PLATO-
    A collection of inspirational quotes and a brief message about unity and personal growth.
  • Plato
    This book provides an overview of Plato's central ideas and beliefs, including the importance of critical thinking, love, beauty, heroes, censorship, education, and childhood…
  • Understanding the Self in Various Perspective By Justin Abegail Gayapa
    The story explores the philosophical perspectives of Socrates, Plato, and John Locke on self-awareness, the soul, and consciousness.
  • The Allegory, from book 7 of the Republic
    The Allegory of the Cave by Plato describes prisoners in a cave who mistake shadows for reality. One prisoner escapes and learns the truth, but is rejected when he tries to s…
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