Pluralism Books

  • Federalist Papers
    An overview of the Federalist Papers, separation of powers, preventing tyranny, and encouraging pluralism in government.
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  • Taylor and the Magic Potion
    A princess who has been kept within the palace walls needed to go on an adventure in order to help heal her grandmother.
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  • On cultural Diversity
    The story discusses cultural diversity, its importance, and its impact on societies. It also mentions globalization and multiculturalism.
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  • Transformation
    Bisan, a young girl from Lebanon, moves to Canada and learns about the challenges of secularism, moral decision-making, and the value of work and poverty. She becomes a consc…
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  • The World's Religion Storybook Project
    Amy visits her friend Debbie's house where they learn about different religions from various adults. They discuss Christianity, Hinduism, and the Yoruba religion, each with t…
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    this books is about the different types of literature,the time line of literature and the most representative artists and art works
  • ABC's of Governemt
    An alphabetical list of terms related to government and law, with brief explanations for each term.
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