Police Brutality Books

  • The Boy Who Changed The World
    A boy and his friends take action against police brutality and clean up their community, starting a club to spread awareness and make a difference.
    The story of the Stonewall Inn and the LGBTQ+ activists who fought for their rights and sparked a revolution.
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  • Civil Rights Movement
    A brief overview of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, including key events and figures.
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  • How Colin Kapernick Inspired Me
    The story of Colin Kaepernick, a football player who started a controversial movement by kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality.
  • The Civil Rights Movement of the 60's
    This story provides a brief overview of the Civil Rights movement, focusing on the contributions of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. It includes the full text of MLK's '…
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  • Industrial Revolution Fun Facts
    A brief overview of the Industrial Revolution and its impact on society, including natural resources, workforce, inventions, free enterprise, railroads, robber barons, rise o…
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  • The Black Panthers
    The story follows the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party, highlighting their goals and challenges.
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  • Confronting Racism Towards Asians from COVID-19
    A group of students navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, racism, and its impact on their lives and community.
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