Polio Books

  • Wilma Rudolph
    A young girl named Wilma overcomes polio and becomes an Olympic champion, inspiring others. She is honored with a statue and people still visit her grave.
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  • Jonas Salk
    The story of Jonas Salk, a doctor who developed a vaccine to cure polio and helped many people stay safe from the disease.
  • Polio
    An informational book about polio, its symptoms, transmission, history, prevention, and the iron lung.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
    This is a detailed biography of Eleanor Roosevelt, covering her early life, marriage to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, her role as First Lady, and her work for human rights. It h…
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  • Lila Faye Medley Price
    A family history of Great Grandma Lila, her parents, siblings, and life events from Mississippi to Tennessee during the Great Depression and World War II.
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  • Wilma Rudolph
    The inspiring story of Wilma Rudolph, an African American woman who overcame polio and racial discrimination to become a world-renowned runner.
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  • Jaymee's Polio Experience
    A girl named Jaymee shares her experiences of moving, her name, and getting sick with polio. She learns about the virus, its effects, and how to prevent it.
  • The Story of Jonas Salk
    The story of Jonas Salk, his research on influenza and polio, and his groundbreaking work on the polio vaccine.
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