Polygamy Books

  • Utah Mormons
    The story follows the life of Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church, and his struggles with spreading his beliefs, particularly polygamy.
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  • My mother's story
    A Nigerian woman's journey from a polygamous home to the United States, enduring hardships and finally finding her own happiness.
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  • MORMONS in Utah
    A brief history of the Mormon pioneers and their migration to Utah, highlighting their beliefs, challenges, and adaptation to the new environment.
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  • Choosing God: Stories from our Family History
    Hannah and William, along with others, faced choices of faith and service in their lives, leading to significant personal and spiritual growth amidst challenges.
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  • who were the aztec people
    A brief overview of the Aztecs, their history, culture, and downfall at the hands of the Spanish.
  • The IMPORTANCE of Family
    The story explores the concept of family, discussing different types and emphasizing the importance of love and support within a family.
  • Westward Expansion Groups
    A brief overview of various groups of people who moved west in the United States and their impact on the country.
  • Manifest Destiny
    A brief overview of different groups of people and their experiences in American history, from farmers to Chinese Americans.
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