My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A personal account of India's history under British rule, highlighting the impact on the author's family and the country as a whole.
    by Gia Shetty
    Eye Icon 7
  • A brief overview of different groups of people and their experiences in American history, from farmers to Chinese Americans.
    by Gia Shetty
    Eye Icon 12
  • Trisha's first day of 8th grade is filled with learning about citizenship in Ms. Windowlen's U.S. History class.
    by Gia Shetty
    Eye Icon 7
  • The story of Alonzo Alverez de Pineda, a Spanish explorer who sailed to find a northern waterway in the Pacific Ocean and discovered the Mississippi River and Texas.
    by Gia Shetty
    Eye Icon 9
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