Pop Art Books

  • POP ART by Aarav shah
    An introduction to pop art, its origins, key artists, and famous artworks.
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  • Pop Art
    The story provides an introduction to pop art and mass media, including key artists and their works.
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  • Andy Warhol's Legacy
    The story of Andy Warhol, a successful commercial artist who became famous for his unique style and the concept of Pop Art.
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  • 15 Weeks
    My family gathered on line for 15 weeks in a row in 2020 - we had weekly themes, most of which came from the kids. It sparked lots of laughter and triggered imagination. I …
  • My CLIL in Art History
    This book provides brief descriptions of the lives and works of Gustav Klimt, Vasilij Vasil'evič Kandinskij, and the art movements Bauhaus and Pop Art.
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  • art history clil course
    A brief overview of the life and works of Gustav Klimt, as well as a description of Kandinskij's painting Composition VIII and a mention of Bauhaus and Pop Art.
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  • A Color Book
    A Color Book was created by Warren School Second Grade students during art class. Students studied various color concepts throughout the school year and wrote color poems to …
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  • Stunning Pop-Up Photos
    A collection of stunning pop-up photos like the one on the cover! If you want another book like this this book has to get 5 comments and 5 likes first.
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