Poster Books

  • FNAF: What you don't know...
    A guide to the secrets and Easter eggs in the game Five Nights at Freddy's 3, with a playful and misleading ending.
    Eye Icon 15894
    Star Icon 1067
  • A class that comes together for a special project
    A group of students with different talents work together to create an inspiring poster for their school, encouraging other students to pursue their dreams.
    Eye Icon 274
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  • Caroline and the Lemonade Stand
    Caroline, a sweet and determined girl, sets up a lemonade stand but realizes no one knows about it. She comes up with a plan to make posters and spread the word, leading to s…
    Eye Icon 88
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  • The Princess Competition
    Lily, a poor girl from a small village enters a Princess Competition that is filled to the rim with prissy, and spoiled princesses, does Lily have what it takes to win?
    Eye Icon 3958
    Star Icon 404
    Sarah and her mom find a puppy at the park, but can't find its owner. They decide to keep it and Sarah is thrilled.
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  • The life in the sea
    Group book created by students who attend the 6th grade and are 12 years old. It was a project concerning GCE.
    Eye Icon 1046
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  • Same Planet Same Aim
    Students learn about their family members and create posters and videos to introduce them.
    Eye Icon 133
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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