Potential Books

  • Superpowers
    A teacher helps his students discover their unique superpowers and encourages them to embrace their potential.
    Eye Icon 253
    Star Icon 9
  • Dear Zoo
    A child receives various animals from the zoo as potential pets, but each one has a flaw. Finally, they send a perfect puppy.
    Eye Icon 9605
    Star Icon 26
  • Kinetic Energy And potential energy
    The story introduces the concepts of kinetic and potential energy, providing definitions and examples.
  • Action Potential is Essential!
    A story about a kingdom ruled by Sodium Ion and Potassium Ion, with their children and guards. It explains how the kingdom functions and the importance of Action Potential.
    Eye Icon 436
    Star Icon 1
  • Minecraft's Wonders
    An enthusiastic introduction to the game Minecraft, highlighting its creative potential, multiplayer options, educational benefits, and mod features.
    Eye Icon 5325
    Star Icon 264
  • Cool Robots
    A short story about the capabilities and potential of robots, encouraging readers to build their own.
    Eye Icon 954
    Star Icon 78
  • Potential and kinetic energy.
    An introduction to energy, potential energy, and kinetic energy with examples.
    Eye Icon 619
  • Sturdy
    A little table faces challenges and finds strength in acts of kindness, reminding us to embrace our uniqueness and touch the lives of others.
    Eye Icon 409
    Star Icon 52
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