Power Division Books

  • Principles of Government for Kids
    An informational text about popular sovereignty, republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, balance of power, limited government, and individual rights.
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  • The Seven Little Mermaids
    Explore with the seven little mermaids as they go on an unexpected, accidental journey, as they learn about the seven principles of the constitution!
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  • 7 Principles Of The U.S Constitution
    This book provides an overview of key concepts in government and the constitution, including popular sovereignty, republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, checks and …
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  • PEMDAS Is Wrong!
    Kevin, a straight-A student, is shocked to receive a low grade on a math quiz. His teacher explains the tricky exception to PEMDAS and helps him understand it through example…
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  • My Trip to Cell City
    A short cheesy story about the organelles of a cell designed to help with remembering what they do
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  • Seven Principles of the Constitution
    This story introduces and explains key concepts of government and political systems, such as popular sovereignty, federalism, separation of powers, republicanism, checks and …
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  • NBA Hoop Session
    A list of NBA players and their achievements, including scoring and assist leaders.
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  • The Day My Daddy Died
    A personal account of the author's father's involvement in the D-Day invasion and his subsequent death, highlighting the bravery of Canadian soldiers.
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