Preamble Books

    This is The preamble of the United States. This book includes small descriptions and the words of The Preamble.
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  • Preamble of the U.S. Constitution
    Explanation of the meaning and benefits of each phrase in the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution.
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  • Tell me about the Declaration of Independence
    This is a book to be sure all the young students including all rabbits understand what the Declaration of Independence mean to us
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  • The Preamble
    A powerful and concise introduction to the Preamble of the United States Constitution.
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  • We the people A child´s guide to the preamble of the Constitution
    A brief explanation of the Preamble to the United States Constitution, highlighting its purpose and key principles.
  • The Preamble
    A brief explanation of the purpose and principles of the United States government, with examples of how they can be achieved.
  • We The People: Preamble By: Isaac S.
    A poetic and powerful preamble to the United States Constitution, expressing the goals and values of the nation.
  • the Preamble
    The Preamble. This book was made by two eighth graders for Social Studies. Having trouble watching the school house rock version, click the link below:…
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