Presentation Tools Books

  • Energy
    Energy. It is a sample of what science students could do with StoryJumper as a presentation tool.
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    Romeo's Dad was scheduled to talk to his class for 'Career Day.' His Dad was an astronaut and Romeo was looking forward to having his friends hear about the exciting adventur…
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  • Multimedia Technologies
    This book explores the concept of multimedia and its impact on education, discussing various technologies used in schools and their benefits.
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  • storyjumper
    StoryJumper is an online platform for creating and publishing illustrated stories. It offers various presentation tools like scenes, text boxes, props, and photos. However, i…
  • Chapter 9: Digital Storytelling
    This book discusses the benefits of multimodal learning, PowerPoint presentations, next generation presentation tools, video as a teaching tool, and photo taking and movie ma…
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  • Nearpod is a web 2.0 tool for interactive presentations and exercises. Students enjoy using it for in-class activities, especially the Time to Climb event. It helps them lear…
  • Goldilocks & the 3 Barely-there Students
    Mrs. Locks, a Social Studies teacher, finds creative ways to engage her students by letting them explore online resources for presentations.
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