Pretend Play Books

  • Grandpa, What Did You Do When You Were Little Without A Phone?
    When he was little and before there were mobile phones, grandpa found many ways to live an interesting life.
    Eye Icon 64775
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  • I'm Not Sophia, I am a Puppy
    I have been babysitting little Sophia since she was born. She makes me laugh with everything she does in her day. She has an amazing imagination and I enjoy being part of i…
    Eye Icon 3492
    Star Icon 120
  • What are we going to do today?
    A whimsical poem about a parent's willingness to go on imaginative adventures with their child.
    Eye Icon 62841
    Star Icon 1244
  • Roblox Friends
    Meet Emily and her friends, each with their own unique interests and personalities.
    Eye Icon 36277
    Star Icon 2210
    A joyful poem about a child's likes and desires, emphasizing friendship and shared experiences.
    Eye Icon 1756
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  • Charley's Hats
    Charley uses different hats to pretend he is in various roles and situations.
    Eye Icon 80
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  • I like pink.
    Noah, a boy who likes pink, faces criticism but finds support from his parents and friends. (Written and narrated by my 6 year old Noah)
    Eye Icon 313
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  • SICK
    Peggy Ann pretends to be sick to avoid school, but realizes it's Saturday and happily goes out to play.
    Eye Icon 151
    Star Icon 7
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