Primate Books

  • All About Aye-Ayes
    An informative book about the Aye-Aye, a unique primate found in Madagascar's forests. It covers their habitat, diet, physical features, behavior, and fun facts.
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  • Primates
    This book provides information about primates, including their classification, digestion, diet, and some interesting facts.
  • Gweg From The Egg
    Follow my cartoons adventures which are inspired my children's imaginations and their stuffed animals. If you enjoy This book, be sure to read the sequel, (Sir) Puffles The I…
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  • The Evolution Of Life
    A brief introduction to biology, covering topics such as the origin of life, evolution, primates, and fossils.
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  • Placental Mammals - Order Primates
    This story provides information about the digestive system of mammals and specifically focuses on the orangutan's diet and eating habits.
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  • Think Before You Speak
    In a forest, an amicable group of primates gets along except for Fred, who lacks tact. Fred's megalomania leads to conflict at a town hall meeting, resulting in his banishmen…
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  • Primate T-lymphotropic virus
    This informational book provides an overview of HTLV-1, including symptoms, diagnosis, cause, treatment, transmission, prevention, and current research.
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  • Alberts the Albertosaurus
    The story explores the Earth's lifespan, the existence of dinosaurs, and the evolution of primates, highlighting significant events in a condensed timeline.
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