Processes Books

  • The Rock Cycle
    Peter explains the rock cycle, describing how rocks change from one type to another through natural processes like heat, cooling, and erosion.
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  • A Tour of Macromolecules
    Dr. Garfield takes readers on a tour of macromolecules, explaining lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and proteins, as well as important processes like dehydration synthes…
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  • Our Golden Sun
    This book teaches children about the Sun's importance, composition, layers, and processes. It emphasizes its role in providing light, warmth, and essential nutrients for life…
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  • Journey of a Water Droplet
    A simple and informative book about the water cycle, explaining the processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, and transpiration.
    Eye Icon 9738
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  • The Water Cycle
    An informative book about the water cycle, explaining its stages and processes in a clear and concise manner.
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  • The Magic School Bus: Plant Processes
    Ms. Frizzle takes the class inside a plant to learn about the two vital plant processes which help us survive.
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  • Photosynthesis and Respiration
    Billy, a young plant, learns about photosynthesis and cellular respiration from his uncle Bobby, exploring the processes and their differences.
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  • Meiosis, Mitosis, and Me
    A rhyming, informative book that explains the processes of meiosis and mitosis in a fun and engaging way.
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