Progression Books

  • If you give Hitler power
    A historical narrative that outlines Hitler's progression of power and territorial expansion leading up to World War II.
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  • If You Give a Knight a Helmet
    A knight's journey from receiving a helmet to becoming king after saving the princess.
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  • If You Enroll Your Child In Ballet
    A story about the progression of a ballet student, from enrolling in ballet to getting pointe shoes.
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  • If you give a crab a shell
    A conditional book about the effects of helping a crab look pretty.
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  • If you give a Boy a Baseball Bat
    A story about a boy who keeps asking for more baseball-related items, leading to a broken bat.
  • Geometric Progression
    A prince asks for a reward from a king in the form of rice grains on a chessboard, but the amount requested is impossible to fulfill.
  • old stone age to new stone age
    this story took two weeks just for the first half so we have put my voice in and some of my friends voice to
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  • If You Get a Girlfriend
    A chain of events that occur when you get a girlfriend, leading to starting a family and getting a pet.
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