Promises Books

  • Max's Promise
    Max, a horse with a unique design, protects an egg for his friend Lucy. Despite challenges, Max successfully hatches the egg and becomes a father.
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  • The Rescue
    A lonely dog who lives on the street has no friend. Not until he meets a friend. Learn what happens in this story, and discover the LOVE of Jesus Christ for all of us.
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  • Sanders Sides: I Promise
    Roman gets stabbed by Deciet, much to Virgil's terror. Will he survive? Or is this the end of our favorite prince?
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  • Magic Clover
    Can a dinosaur trust a magic clover? Read and find out...
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  • Beauty
    A poetic exploration of different forms of beauty, emphasizing inner qualities and actions.
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  • Fatcat Goes to the Vet
    A cat named Fatcat goes to the vet and learns he needs to lose weight. He meets a parrot and makes a promise to eat healthy.
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  • Andre's Adventures
    Andre, a 4th grader, shares about his life, including his dream of becoming a firefighter, his family, and encounters with a bully and sibling rivalry.
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    A poor woodcutter's children, Max and Stephie, are mistreated by their stepmother Birtha. She plans to abandon them in the Redwoods, but they find their way home with the hel…
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