Prompts Books

  • The Mathematics Competition - Part I
    A chance encounter prompts Matthew, a friend of Charles, to telephone and guide Charles to page twelve of the day's newspaper. The newspaper has issued a challenge in the for…
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  • The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
    A butterfly's life cycle is described, from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to adult. The book also prompts readers to think about other life cycles they have experienced.
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  • The Book of Illusions
    A short, whimsical story that prompts readers to see different perspectives and ends with a riddle. The author also includes a YouTube channel link.
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  • The Mathematics Competition Part II
    An unexpected telephone call from the organiser of the mathematics competition prompts Charles and Elizabeth to travel to London. Further mystery abounds as the motive behind…
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  • Poetry Anthology Example
    This is a collection of various types of poems, each followed by a prompt for the reader to respond. The themes range from equality and feminism to personal tragedies and his…
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  • Story Starters
    A collection of writing prompts and questions about various topics, encouraging readers to imagine and express their thoughts.
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  • Cleaning the House
    Richard's messy room prompts his mom to wait for him to clean it. They clean together and discuss what Richard learned in school.
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  • The Star & Stars
    A short story about looking at stars with someone and wondering if they saw the same star. Ends abruptly with a sticker activity prompt.
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