Proper Nouns Books

  • Proper Nouns
    Ms. Hicks takes her students on a tour of Knoxville, discussing proper nouns and introducing famous people and landmarks.
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  • Proper Nouns
    This book teaches children about common and proper nouns, emphasizing the importance of capitalization. It provides examples and practice exercises.
  • It's Battle Time!
    This book is a science fiction narrative. Look for the various figurative language phrases and sentences: similes, personification, alliteration, hyperbole,idiom, imagery, an…
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  • Nouns
    This book provides an overview of different types of nouns, including concrete, abstract, common, proper, and collective nouns. It also explains pronouns and their function.
    by zee1
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  • Matilde And Her Kangaroo
    A girl named Matilde Zapeta introduces herself, talks about her kangaroo named Rayito, and their adventures in Guatemala and Iceland.
  • Chiquis,The Kitten
    Chiquis, a black and white kitten, goes on various adventures and learns about grammar and vocabulary along the way.
  • The Boy And The Puppy
    A story about a boy named Johnny who loves soccer, his dog Fluffy, and school. He learns responsibility and the power of love.
  • Chris, The Little Dragon
    Chris, a little dragon, is bullied by mean dragons but is defended by his friend TJ. They become friends and play soccer together.
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