Prussia Books

  • Prussia's Absolutism
    A brief overview of absolutism and the history of Prussia, focusing on the House of Hohenzollern and its rulers.
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  • German Unification
    A historical account of Germany's unification under Prussian leadership, including wars and political maneuvers.
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  • Congress of Vienna: Prussia
    The story discusses the history of Prussia, including its bankruptcy, wars, reforms, and territorial acquisitions. It also explores its policies, strategies, government type,…
  • The French Revolution
    The story is a detailed account of the French Revolution, covering key events and figures. It explores the causes, major incidents like the storming of Bastille, Reign of Ter…
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  • Frederick William I
    The story of Frederick William I, the soldier-king of Prussia, who focused on strengthening the army and improving the lives of his people.
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  • ABC's of WW1
    An alphabetical overview of World War I, covering key terms, events, and countries involved.
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  • Frederick the Great: The Unstoppable Ruler
    The story of Frederick the Great, a military genius and king of Prussia, who rose to power, expanded his kingdom, and implemented reforms.
  • Unification of Italy
    The story of Italy's unification, starting with the Congress of Vienna and ending with the country's unity.
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