Purpose Books

  • What the Tree Wanted
    Once upon a time, there was a tree. He was not contented atop his hill, and he would look down upon the city which loomed in the horizon. But then a mother squirrel comes to …
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  • the little raindrop
    Story based on Biblical principles. Obedience, forgiveness, and God's plan for your life.
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  • The Lonely Little Ghost
    For ages 7 to 9. It's a book about self esteem.
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  • Whats my Purpose?
    A boy and his robot go on a journey to find the robot's purpose, encountering different places and people along the way.
    Ice sends the Roblox noob on a mission to collect six orbs in the Land of Oz. The purpose of the mission is unclear, but the noob sets off with enthusiasm.
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  • More Than a Wish
    A small seed goes through various challenges and transformations to fulfill its purpose of becoming a plant and providing for new seeds.
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  • Portfolios With a Purpose
    A description of a summer technology boot camp for 5th and 6th graders at St. Regis Academy, where students learn digital skills and create portfolios.
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    This book introduces various types of trucks and their purposes, from dump trucks to ice cream trucks. It also mentions some interesting facts about each type of truck.
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