Quantum Mechanics Books

  • Quantum mechanics part 1
    This is an informative text about the history and principles of quantum mechanics, from its early development to modern applications. It covers key concepts like wave-particl…
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  • ABC's of Science
    An alphabetical list of scientific terms and their definitions, from astronomy to zoology.
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  • Stephen Hawking
    A brief overview of Stephen Hawking's life and his contributions to physics, including his theories on black holes, the black hole information paradox, primordial black holes…
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  • Albert Einstein
    The story of Albert Einstein's life and achievements, from his childhood to his groundbreaking scientific theories.
  • ABC's Of Quantum Mechanics JK It's about Gas Laws
    This book provides an overview of the properties of gases, gas pressure, the kinetic molecular theory of gases, the ideal gas law, and experimental gas laws. It also includes…
  • Atomic Structure History
    This story provides a historical overview of the development of atomic models, from Thomson's raisin pudding model to modern quantum mechanics.
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  • History of the Atom
    A brief history of atomic theory, from Democritus to modern quantum mechanics, with key scientists and their contributions.
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  • From Physics To Biology
    Michael and Olivia use a time machine to interview scientists for their science fair project. They learn about the race to find element 43 and Pauling's contributions to quan…
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