Queen Esther Books

  • The Story of Purim
    The story of Queen Esther and the celebration of Purim, including its customs and traditions.
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  • the castle escape ( the moon )
    On Christmas day, Theo and Neva find a letter from Santa inviting them to his castle. They rush there but get lost. Meanwhile, their family worries about them. In the end, th…
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  • My mother's story
    A Nigerian woman's journey from a polygamous home to the United States, enduring hardships and finally finding her own happiness.
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  • Mythical Mathematician
    Isis, a cat from Ancient Egypt, shares her life as a treasured pet and her curiosity about math, specifically the Pythagorean theorem.
    Crown of Change is inspired by a person who went to prison, and when years pass the person was set free. Instead of doing crime he instead helped other people and comforted t…
  • The Crystal Flower
    The story revolves around William, Simon, and Sarah. Jealous of Simon's popularity, William frames him for theft at Sarah's party, leading to Simon changing schools. At his n…
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    Many kids love to pretend to be a Princess and this book tells them about the princesses found in the bible. Not actual princesses but those who are like them.
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