Race Cars Books

  • Race Cars
    A young car enthusiast provides information about various fast and expensive cars, but with some inaccuracies and lack of organization.
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  • the race car and the bike
    A race between a bicycle and a race car, where the bike uses its advantages to catch up and win.
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    One afternoon, Frankie and his Uncle decide to visit a car show. Frankie loves cars and wishes his Dad, who is serving overseas, was there with him. A band of ninjas arrive a…
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  • Bobs Adventure For the Golden Race Car
    Bob, a tiny boy, dreams of owning a golden race car. He embarks on a quest through an enchanted forest but wakes up to realize it was all a dream.
  • The Big Race For Sports Cars
    Renault Desire, a race car, faces ridicule for being slow. He upgrades to a Bloodhound SSC and wins the race, teaching others a lesson.
  • The Race Car Driver at Night
    Bobby, a man with multiple personality disorder, lives a double life as a race car driver at night. His friends help him seek treatment and he eventually gets cured.
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  • Chase & The Red Race Car
    Chase dreams of racing a red race car and gets one for his birthday, allowing him to join his friends in racing.
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  • All About Fast Cars
    A young author shares his passion for fast cars, providing information about their design, racing, and performance.
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