Raindrop Books

  • the little raindrop
    Story based on Biblical principles. Obedience, forgiveness, and God's plan for your life.
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  • The Life of Rainy the Raindrop
    The story of Rainy the Raindrop and her journey through the water cycle, from evaporation to condensation to precipitation.
    Eye Icon 4953
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  • Little Raindrop's first Snowfall
    Little raindrop has a lot of adventures, this is his first one. It is the story about how he became a raindrop. It is a story about his friends & his cousins too.
    Eye Icon 307
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  • The Five Senses
    A young child describes how they use their five senses to experience and understand the world around them.
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  • Little Raindrop
    A raindrop describes its journey from a cloud to the earth and back again, experiencing various adventures along the way.
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  • April Showers The Story of a Raindrop
    Take a journey with a little raindrop named April Showers as she and her friends experience and explain the Water Cycle.
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  • The 1st Adventure of Drippy and Slippy Drop
    Drippy and Slippy, two raindrops, embark on an exciting journey to Earth. They encounter challenges, make friends, and learn valuable lessons along the way.
  • A Raindrop's Journey Through The Rainforest
    Raindrop, a young raindrop, embarks on a solo adventure to the Rainforest. He meets new friends, learns about weather patterns, angles, and biomes, and navigates through a co…
    Eye Icon 18
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