A book of stories for all my Children, Grand and Great
- Dot Decker

High above the earth, almost near heaven, two little raindrops were created, and their names were Drippy Drop and Slippy Drop. They were so happy being twins and held hands all the time.
They grew quickly and loved listening to the stories everyone told about their trips to the Earth. It seemed so exciting that they wanted to go right away but were constantly told, ‘not yet!’ over and over again.
When? When will we be ready?” Drippy asked.
“How will we know?” said Slippy.
“You will know when the time is right” the elders explained.

They waited and waited and dreamed about what they would see. The waiting felt unbearable after hearing so many amazing stories from the other members of the Drop family that made the trip before them.


Would they land on a beautiful flower? Would they be gathered up by the fairy Queen to water her favorite riding Dragonfly-Horse?
“Oh, so many wondrous adventures!” they both squealed.
The excitement kept building, anticipation was growing and growing.
All of a sudden, one morning, Drippy said to Slippy “Slippy, wake up! It’s time!
It’s time! It’s time to drop to Earth!”
Sleepily Slippy asked “How do you know? Who told you?”
Drippy explained “You were sleeping so you didn’t hear Mr. Thunder and Mrs. Lightning crack through the sky telling everyone to get ready!”
“Oh! Oh! Hold my hand tight, I’m afraid!” said Slippy.
“Just hold my hand and close your eyes and it won’t be so scary!” said Drippy.
Things started to happen quickly.
“Slippy, Slippy! Open your eyes it’s so wonderful. Thousands of Drops are all going together!” said Drippy.

As they floated to the Earth the entire family sang together the beautiful rain song.
“Raindrops are falling on my head!” sang Slippy and Drippy.
Down, down, down they dropped. They plinked and rolled and headed into a cave where a huge bear happened to be sleeping.
Oh my, oh my, this doesn’t seem good” whispered Slippy. “I don’t like it here, what can we do?”
Drippy, who is the more sensible one, said “Let me think.”

While looking around, she saw a little stream of water running out of the cave which appeared to go to the outside.
“Let’s jump into the stream and see where it goes!” Drippy squealed with excitement.
Slippy hesitantly said “Oh, okay, anything is better than this dark damp place with the scary sleeping bear.” So they held hands and jumped into the fast flowing stream and safely swept out of the cave.

As they floated along, the world around them became brighter. Now they saw some of the beauty of the Earth they heard so much about. They were up high in the mountains and could see for miles.
They could see all the forest animals as they came to drink from the sparkling stream. As they got to know the stream and love her, they named her Sparkly. She was a bubbly stream and was so happy to share with each of the forest animals as she swiftly went by. There were deer, squirrels and wild horses that lined the banks of Sparkly as Drippy and Slippy floated by.

From downstream they heard a thunderous noise. Sparkly call to the little raindrops “Hang on tight to each other with both hands!! You are going over the falls!”
Drippy and Slippy held hands and went over the falls together. Over and over they tumbled down, up, sideways and upside-down, but they never let go of each other. What a thrill!

Wow! This was so worth the trip to Earth!” exclaimed the twins

Suddenly, all was peaceful and tranquil once again and absolutely beautiful in the pool below the falls. The twins gazed around them with wonderment.

As they floated along, a strange voice said “I see you and I’m going to eat you!”
“Oh my! Oh my goodness, we are in big trouble!” quivered Slippy. A huge minnow was swimming up to them! Slippy closed his eyes because he was afraid.

“Why do you want to eat a raindrop when all of this other water is here for you?” Drippy asked the minnow.
“Because Rain Drops are special and I can eat two of you” sounded the minnow with a mean smile.
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A book of stories for all my Children, Grand and Great
- Dot Decker

High above the earth, almost near heaven, two little raindrops were created, and their names were Drippy Drop and Slippy Drop. They were so happy being twins and held hands all the time.
They grew quickly and loved listening to the stories everyone told about their trips to the Earth. It seemed so exciting that they wanted to go right away but were constantly told, ‘not yet!’ over and over again.
When? When will we be ready?” Drippy asked.
“How will we know?” said Slippy.
“You will know when the time is right” the elders explained.

They waited and waited and dreamed about what they would see. The waiting felt unbearable after hearing so many amazing stories from the other members of the Drop family that made the trip before them.


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